Date(s) - 11/06/2014 - 11/09/2014
All Day
Unknown is the ultimate destiny of any given trend in music. Sometimes they die out, usually when their representatives put the purity of the gender above everything without any regard for public opinion and overall spirit of the present. Such trends – provided there are some traces of them left – quickly cover with rust and are doomed to the fate of imitators that will keep devouring their own tails for all eternity. There are times, though, when those nearly forgotten trends refuse to fall into the oblivion. On the contrary – their critics and audiences alike recognize their potential, and with it a chance for a future, for plans. This happens most often when a genre – rather than cling to its original form – decides to evolve, expand and even merge with other music currents. Those kinds of fusions bear new, thrilling forms which can be characterized by both: being faithful to the original shape as well as being refreshed by new features. The 12th Annual Edition of the Wroclaw’s Industrial Festival, one of the most important events of this kind in the world, clearly shows that the industrial culture in music is far from being dead and that it is still adapting to the new times, technologies and audiences. Industrial—just like krautrock, post-punk, electronic and other genders born in the 70s—still proves its viability and potential for further development. Wrocław will once more become a host for the pioneers, reformers and present performers of industrial music alike.
Artists Lineup
- Lustmord (USA)
- Borghesia (SLO)
- Legendary Pink Dots (NL)
- 6 Comm (GB)
- 2Kilos & More + Black Sifichi (F)
- Ab Intra (POL)
- Darkrad (RUS)
- Düsseldorf (POL)
- Eric Random (GB)
- Ex. Order (D)
- Frustration (F)
- Job Karma with Guests (POL)
- Jude (POL)
- Micromelcolié (POL)
- Purist (POL)
- Roma Amor (IT)
- Sektion B (D)
- Synapsis (POL)
- Tehôm (CRO)
- Troum (D)
- Wrangler (Stephen Mallinder/Benge/Phil Winter – GB)
Please write a comment below and any feedback is appreciated.
Pub Włodkowica 21
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