Home » Events » The Plague Wear Gala

Christine Yelich Roberts (Creative Commons)
VISUAL: This one of a kind ASL interpreted online exhibit asks artists to share their art and designs that ward off plagues of all kinds.

The Plague Wear Gala

Date(s) - 07/28/2023
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

YOUTUBE – Premiering on Opulent Mobility YouTube! (6 PM, PT)

This one of a kind ASL interpreted online exhibit asks artists to share their art and designs that ward off plagues of all kinds. I think you’ll be as fascinated and delighted by the results as we are.

The artists of the Plague Wear Gala are: Amy Bauer, Kat Chudy, Brontë Grimm, Rachel Gibson, Samuel Goldstein, Ash Hagerstrand, David Isakson, Gwen Kennedy, Austin Lubetkin, Noel Molloy, Penny Richards, Christine Yelich Roberts, Johanna Siegmann, and Misty Stokes.

Curated by A. Laura Brody, founder of Opulent Mobility.

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