Home » Events » The Music of Persia: Hamed Afshari, Saeed Farajpoori, Raha Yousefi, Hamin Honari

Persian Cultural Center of Atlanta (Public Domain)
MUSIC: Immerse yourself in the rich and captivating sounds of Persian music featuring Hamed Afshari, Saeed Farajpoori, Raha Yousefi, and Hamin Honari.

The Music of Persia: Hamed Afshari, Saeed Farajpoori, Raha Yousefi, Hamin Honari

Date(s) - 03/02/2024
7:30 PM - 10:30 PM


Immerse yourself in the rich and captivating sounds of Persia with the Persian Cultural Center of Atlanta’s upcoming event. Join us for an unforgettable evening of music featuring the talented Hamed Afshari, Saeed Farajpoori, Raha Yousefi, and Hamin Honari. Experience the intricate melodies of the Kamancheh, the mesmerizing voice of a Persian classical music singer, and the rhythmic beats of the Tombak and Daf, all in one place. You will be transported to another world as you listen to these highly skilled musicians showcase their talents. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to appreciate the beauty of Persian classical music.

Presented by Persian Cultural Center of Atlanta

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