Home » Events » SymphonySJ: Serenade to Music

MUSIC: SymphonySJ Chorale & Symphony SJ under the direction of Elena Sharkova present a program of choral-orchestral music featuring works from M. Skoryk, G. Fauré, G. Puccini.

SymphonySJ: Serenade to Music

Date(s) - 04/12/2024
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

BUY TICKETS (Easy parking onsite.)

Symphony San José Chorale and Symphony San José under the direction of Elena Sharkova present a program of choral-orchestral music featuring works from Myroslav Skoryk, Gabriel Fauré, and Giacomo Puccini. One performance only, at the beautiful Mission Santa Clara de Asís, on the campus of Santa Clara University.

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Mission Santa Clara de Asís SCU


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