Home » Events » San Francisco Greek Film Festival, Eleventh Annual | Modern Greek Studies Foundation

San Francisco Greek Film Festival, Eleventh Annual | Modern Greek Studies Foundation

Date(s) - 05/03/2014 - 05/10/2014
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

– Buy Tickets Online – Subject to availability, tickets will be available at the door, and discounts are available for students with a valid student ID.

San Francisco Greek Film Festival films begin each evening at 7pm.

The SFGFF will showcase contemporary Greek feature films and shorts from established and up-an-coming directors from Greece or of Greek decent. Feature length films and shorts will be showcased each night, and all movies will have English subtitles.Comedy, drama, and documentaries are all part of the 2014 mix. We are thrilled to have several award winning films showing during the week of the festival. Two film producers will also be present during the festival to share their perspectives and highlight the event. Additionally, for the third year, we will be presenting a People’s Choice Award at the end of the week to the director whose film gets the most votes by our attendees. Awards will be given in both the short and feature film categories. An opening night reception and closing night reception will take place immediately following the first and last night’s films respectively, complete with authentic Greek appetizers, drinks and music at the Delancey Street Screening Room.

Sponsorship opportunities are available with various recognition incentives by emailing admin@grfilm.com or calling (650) 703-9224. You can also refer to our newly redesigned and user friendly website.

The SFGFF is a program of the Modern Greek Studies Foundation, and all proceeds benefit the educational initiatives of the Center for Modern Greek Studies and the Nikos Kazantzakis Chair at San Francisco State University. For more information about the Center for Modern Greek Studies please visit our website or call 415-338-1892.


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Delancey Street Screening Room & Restaurant


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