Date(s) - 11/18/2023 - 01/06/2024
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
UMA Gallery announces the opening of REMEMBERWISE Forwardthought. Dystopian sculptures from another world.
RETECH is the mastermind project developed by the artist Asher.
Riddled by reoccurring nightmares since an early age, Asher has realized his dystopian futuristic world through his haunting futuristic sculptures on display at UMA Gallery now through January 6th.
The setting for RETECH is 2071. In the not to distant future, all forms of art are considered Thoughtcrimes. With the use of upcycled materials and ansibles Asher deftly creates a world utilizing Orwellian themes incorporating “thoughtspeak” messages digitally displayed throughout the exhibit. In ReTech’s world, all forms of art are “Thoughtcrimes”and are to be reported. Stepping into the room, strange mechanical sounds intertwine with distant voices conversing in various languages, creating an eerie auditory landscape. The air is thick with an otherworldly energy and aromas that sparks curiosity and unease in equal measure.
UMA Gallery Oakland
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