Date(s) - 01/13/2024
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Center for New Music
- ArtsEarth Artist
- Music
- Ambient
- Community
- Culture
- Electronic
- Duet
- Experimental
- Improvisation
- Premiere
- Noise
- Refreshments
- Punk
- Series
- Solo
- Sonic
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Godwaffle Noise Pancakes returns in the near year to melt your brain with the best noise artists while filling your belly with pancakes!
- TECH DIFF (Sacramento)
I’ve been building electronic noise gadgets and make’n noise since the ’80s . Now I’m bringing my unique style of audio experimentation to the big stage Noise Fest. I try to change it up a little each show but you can expect quality noise and of course lots of stage blood.
Performing on a variety of instruments, including the prepared/extended Rhodes electric piano, as well as piano, melodica, celeste, organ, Waterphone, and toy piano, SF Bay Area composer/improviser Eric Glick Rieman performs improvised and previously structured music in several settings, both solo and in groups, He has performed with the Mills College Contemporary Performance Ensemble in Oakland, CA, USA since 1999, and received an MFA from Mills in Electronic Music and the Recording Media in 2001. Rieman writes for piano, Rhodes electric piano, and ensembles.
SFBA-based composer-performer and bandleader. Being born with cerebral palsy has affected his body and speech, giving him a distinct view into his creative arts/music process and being largely a self-taught multi-instrumentalist.
A multimedia collaboration between Michael Goldwater and Anthony A. Russell, based in sound and performance. The duo takes a satirical approach to pastiche that pursues transgressive indulgences in the tropes of a variety of genres.
NOON thru 2pm SHARP!