Home » Events » Between the Dark & Light: Grateful Dead Photography of Jay Blakesberg

Jay Blakesberg (Fair Use)
VISUAL: Embark on a "Long Strange Trip" with renowned music photographer Jay Blakesberg as he recounts the music and memories of his journey photographing the Grateful Dead over four decades.

Between the Dark & Light: Grateful Dead Photography of Jay Blakesberg

Date(s) - 01/28/2024
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM


Embark on a “Long Strange Trip” with renowned music photographer Jay Blakesberg as he recounts the music and memories of his journey photographing the Grateful Dead over four decades. Starting with his colorful teenage years in 1970s New Jersey, Blakesberg will tell the story of his wild psychedelic ride following the band and the misfit Deadheads surrounding them – all captured on film through his lens. Join Blakesberg to discover his enthralling adventure, and gain insights into the Grateful Dead and San Francisco’s music culture.

Presented by Contemporary Jewish Museum

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Contemporary Jewish Museum


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