Date(s) - 08/17/2022 - 08/21/2022
All Day
- Music
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- Choir
- Community
- Culture
- International
- Premiere
- Reception
- Singer-Songwriter
- Workshop
- Vocal
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XOIR is a non-utilitarian vocal workshop focused on alternative modalities of group singing, led by artist, composer, performer and choreographer Colin Self. Rooted in somatic research and experimentation, the goal of XOIR is to foster a generative environment for individuals to connect with voice and vocality on an individual and collective level. XOIR is open to anyone interested in exploring their voice as a tool for learning or re-posturing a new relationship to singing and listening. Prior participation in choral or vocal practices is not required, but any prior experience with listening and engaging experimentally in a musical or studio practice is encouraged.
- Day 1 Anne Carson and The Gender of Sound
- Day 2 Dr. Bessel Van Der Volk’s The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
- Day 3 Jon Lindblom, Mark Fisher, and Ursula K Le Guin on Critical Imagination
- Day 4 Hannah Hurtzig’s Blackmarkets and A Pedagogy of Amateurism
- Day 5 Dialogue and Public Presentation
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