Date(s) - 09/06/2014
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
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Moderated by Chris Fitzpatrick | 6-10pm, with a talk at 8pm
J.G. Ballard, William S. Burroughs, Dead Kennedys, Devo, Philip K. Dick, DNA, Brion Gysin, George Kuchar, Timothy Leary, Lydia Lunch, David Lynch, Octave Mirbeau, Genesis P. Orridge, Iggy Pop, Henry Rollins, Siouxsie Sioux, SRL, Suicide, Sun Ra, Television, John Waters—V. Vale has covered them all (and more). Burroughs even taught Vale how to throw knives.
Vale’s a persevering figure. Since 1977, the editor, graphic designer, interviewer, musician, publisher (or, as he prefers, “amateur anthropologist”) has left an expansive cultural paper trail. And it’s still growing. We invited Vale to pack some of it up, and bring it to Antwerp, so we can have an extended conversation about it at Objectif Exhibitions. He agreed.
At 6pm on Saturday 6 September, Vale will unearth a rare complete set of Search & Destroy—the 11-issue punk zine about underground literary and music culture Vale produced from 1977 to 1979. Then, at 8pm, Vale will talk about how seed money from Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Allen Ginsberg led to Search & Destroy, how that led to RE/Search Magazine, and how all of it led to RE/Search Publications. Of course, we’ll also hear about the many characters Vale met along the way, and a host of related issues—art, graphic design, literature, music, self-publishing, and the importance of underground culture in general. For sure, it will be a hilarious evening of stories—and Vale might even play some piano.
As always, drinks will be served.
Note: V. Vale’s 20 Romolo Place Suite B, San Francisco, CA 94133-4041 U.S.A. at Objectif Exhibitions is part of Tour & Destroy—a European tour of speaking engagements by V. Vale, organised by Objectif Exhibitions.
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