Date(s) - 02/23/2024
8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
BUY TICKETS $15 to $50.
How does the past inform the present and point the way to the future? The professional vocal ensemble Volti continues its 45th season of “singing without a net” with a concert of beautiful and groundbreaking music exploring historical concepts of spiritual diversity as expressed by contemporary composers, Robert Geary conducts.
- “De Profundis” – the world premiere of a Volti commission by rising young Bay Area composer Jens Ibsen, setting Psalm 130, “Out of the depths I have cried unto thee, O Lord.” Volti also sings an earlier Ibsen work, “How god comes to the soul,” with text by the medieval mystic Mechthild von Magdeburg.
- “Ecstatic Meditations” – Aaron Jay Kernis’ spectacular settings of four texts from Mechthild of Magdeburg.
- “Into Being” – Ingrid Stölzel’s setting of the Sanskrit Mantra “So ham ham sa.”
- “All Shall Be Well” – Text from “Revelations of Divine Love” by Julian of Norwich; music by Joanna Marsh.
- “Sohbet of the Rare Small Bird” – Forrest Pierce sets Sufi reflections on spiritual teaching and learning, from ancient Persian texts.
- “Natural History” – Emma O’Halloran meditates on the thousands of species discovered by British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace and described in his book “The Malay Peninsula.”
Presented by Volti San Francisco
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- Volti San Francisco (Images: Fair Use)
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