Date(s) - 02/02/2019
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Time is Running Out of Time: Experimental Film and Video from the L.A. Rebellion and Today presents early short works of Black filmmakers and video artists in Los Angeles. Central to the exhibition is a selection from the pioneering student work of the L.A. Rebellion, a group of Black diasporic film students who attended UCLA in the aftermath of the 1965 Watts Uprising. In dialogue with these films are works from following generations of filmmakers and artists that share qualities and concerns – both aesthetic and political – with the L.A. Rebellion. Across generations, themes include the robust representation of communities, families, and lineages and the complexities of identities informed by social and political realities.
- Exhibition Hours: MON-SAT 12-6PM
Image: Still from “Your Children Come Back to You” (1979). A Film by Alile Sharon Larkin.
Art + Practice
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