Home » Events » The Nth Annual BayImproviser Transbay Skronkathon

MUSIC: The Nth Annual BayImproviser Transbay Skronkathon is an all-day marathon of experimental and weird music featuring some of the Bay Area's best creative musicians.

The Nth Annual BayImproviser Transbay Skronkathon

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Date(s) - 09/01/2024
12:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Paul Dresher Ensemble Studio


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BUY TICKETS $10-$25 (donation requested*)

The Nth Annual BayImproviser Transbay Skronkathon is an all-day marathon of experimental and weird music featuring some of the Bay Area’s best creative musicians. Launched back in 2001 at the Tuva Space storefront venue near the Ashby BART station, the Skronkathon was created to showcase this diverse community of musicians, united by a keen sense of inhabiting a fragile realm far outside mainstream music tastes.

With 19 acts utilizing the Dresher Ensemble Studio and a second stage in the warehouse (Stage 2251), this event is a great way to sample what the scene has to offer! Come to hear just a few sets, or the entire 9 hours.


12:00 PM (Stage 2251)

Skronkestra, a “blow-in” improvisation with Skronkathon performers and special guests

Djll-Heglin Brass Duo

  • Tom Djll – trumpet
  • Ron Heglin – trombone, tuba

Langensiepen Trio

  • Scott Thompson – cello
  • Rob Magill – saxophone
  • Max – hybrid bass

1:15 PM (Dresher Studio)


  • Cindy Webster – voice, amplified bowed saw, hurdy-gurdy
  • Tom Bickly – EWI, electronics
  • Dean Santomieri – guitar, taishogoto
  • Christina Braun – dance


  • David Leikam – CR6-string fretless electric bass, ankle bells
  • Rent Romus – saxophones, ankle bells, percussion
  • Lorenzo Arreguin – electric guitar

2:20 PM (Stage 2251)


  • Dan Plonsey – saxophones++
  • Matthew Welch – bagpipes++

Oakland Reductionist Orchestra

  • Sarah Grace Graves – voice
  • Diane Grubbe – flutes
  • Kevin Lo – flute, violin
  • Kyle Bruckmann – oboe
  • Matt Ingalls – clarinets
  • John Ingle – saxophones
  • Joshua Marshall – tenor saxophone
  • Tom Dill – trumpet
  • Ron Heglin – tuba
  • Jacob Felix Heule – percussion
  • Cheryl E. Leonard – natural-object instruments
  • Kanoko Nishi-Smith – koto
  • Monica Scott – cello

Adams-Boisen-Djll Trio

  • Steve Adams – saxophones
  • Myles Boisen – guitar
  • Tom Djll – trumpet, electronics

3:30 PM Dresher Studio

San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra

  • Diana Gomez – flute
  • James W. Cook – clarinet
  • Megan Cullen – french Horn
  • Gregory Gomez – trombone
  • Vance Maverick – piano
  • Kat Walsh – violin
  • Harry Bernstein – viola
  • Michael Orlinsky – voice
  • Michael Cooke – conductor

4:10 PM (Stage 2251)

E.A-Nakadegawa-Lee-Lefebvre-Brown Quartet

  • Matias E.A, Nathan Nakadegawa-Lee, Sam Lefebvre

Key West

  • Brian Pedersen – saxophone
  • Randylee Sutherland – cello, drums
  • Jay Korber – saxophone, drums

5:00 PM (Dresher Studio)


  • Cheryl E. Leonard – natural-object instruments
  • Bryan Day – objects, electronics
  • Tom Djll – trumpet, electronics

Ghost in the House

  • Kyle Bruckmann – english horn, oboe, electronics
  • Kersti Abrams – alto saxophone, mirimba
  • Cindy Webster – singing saw, hurdy gurdy
  • Polly Springhorn bass flute
  • David Michalak – skatch n’ steel, harp, mountain of junk
  • Darren Johnston – trumpet
  • Scott Looney – piano, electronics

6:00 PM (Stage 2251)

Ewing-Mezzacappa-Arkin Trio

  • Rob Ewing – trombone
  • Lisa Mezzacappa – bass
  • Jon Arkin – drums

Tri-cornered Tent Show

  • Phillip Everett – percussion, midi mallet-synth, xylorimba, vibraphone, auto harp
Ray Schaeffer – electric fretless bass
David Toby – clarinet, melodica, hammond organ, percussion

7:00 PM (Dresher Studio)

Ambient Bird Quintet

  • Lulu – bird
  • Wendy Reid – violin
  • Aurora Josephson – voice
  • Kanoko Nishi-Smith – koto
  • David Samas – percussion

Pet the Tiger

  • David Samas – percussion
  • Dan Gottwald, Bart Hopkin, Peter Whitehead – original instruments
  • Cheryl Leonard – natural-object instruments
  • Stephen Parris – guitar

8:15 PM (Dresher Studio)

Louchard-Brown-Davis-Ingalls Double Duo

  • Ric Louchard – piano
  • Chris Brown – piano
  • Ben Davis – cello
  • Matt Ingalls – clarinets


  • Kyle Bruckmann – oboe, electronics
  • Brett Carson – keyboards
  • Lisa Mezzacappa – bass
  • Jordan Glenn – drums

*A suggested donation of $10-$25 (cash or Venmo at the door; or online via the series goes towards assistance with West Oakland Sound Series costs (venue rental, Bösendorfer piano tuning and insurance).

Presented by West Oakland Sound Series, Bay Improviser