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Barefoot Chamber Concerts (Fair Use)
MUSIC: The Albany Consort traces the evolution of Baroque music with four great works: Jean-Fery Rebel's Le Cahos, Henry Purcell's Six-Part In Nomine and Chacony in G minor, J.S. Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, and Georg Muffat's Passacaglia.

The Albany Consort: From Chaos to the Sublime

Date(s) - 02/09/2024
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM


Music by Jean-Féry Rebel and Johann Sebastian Bach, Henry Purcell, and Georg Muffat… 1600 was an important time for music. Revolutionary thinking insisted that we were done with the cerebral and ready to reinvent expression. A time to return to roots, a time for drama. The new music was a hit, but the old music wasn’t going away any time soon. This program looks at how these ideas played out with four works: Rebel‘s Le Cahos (beginning with the oddest chord in our repertoire), two Purcell pieces (a six part In Nomine firmly rooted in the old style and a Chacony in the new), Bach‘s Fifth Brandenburg Concerto (acknowledging the newly developed concerto model, plus the harpsichord promoted to the front line), and Muffat‘s Passacaglia (the composer’s attempt at peace between nations by effortlessly merging German, French and Italian styles.

Presented by Barefoot Chamber Concerts

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Saint Mary Magdalen Church


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