Date(s) - 04/01/2024 - 04/05/2024
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
REGISTER TODAY (Early Bird Fee: 440 EUR (until December 1, 2023), After: 540 EUR)
Who’s It For? Directors, actors, and dancers building expressive skills. Open to professionals and pre-professionals.
- MON-THU, APR 1-4 from 10 AM- 8 PM
- FRI, APR 5 from 10 AM-3 PM
What to Expect:
- Create characters through movement.
- Connect elements into cohesive performances.
- Enhance creativity and spontaneity.
- Opportunity for an international certificate.
- Personalized support from Sergei Ostrenko.
Method: The workshop is based on the Ostrenko Brothers Method, which incorporates Biomechanics, Psychological Gesture, and Physical Action.
Introduction to:
- Meyerhold’s Biomechanics
- M.Chekhov’s Psychological Gesture
- Stanislavsky’s Physical Action
Your Mentor: Sergei Ostrenko – a director, choreographer, and performance teacher with 30+ years of experience.
Working language: English.
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Dock 11 Eden
- Dance
- Theatre
- Modern
- Call for Artists
- Community
- Contemporary
- Culture
- International
- Performance Art
- Workshop
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