Date(s) - 12/23/2020 - 01/25/2021
All Day
- Literature
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Multimedia
- Design
- Exhibition
- Poetry
- Illustration
- Spoken Word
- Painting
- Photography
- Call for Artists
- Culture
- International
- Online
- Premiere
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2020 was a challenging year for many people especially for artists of all kinds. Although we creators know that happiness does not lie outside of us, but inside. When our soul rises like the sun on the horizon and spreads light inside our heart, we feel joy and create our best artworks, poetry, and songs. Do you remember moments like this? Show us your SoulRise creations, share your light with us, art and music lovers, collectors, poetry fans and your friends.
The first Zoom event will be held at the beginning of February of 2021, just before Valentine’s Day, so art lovers can shop for gifts.
All accepted artists who submit 1-4 images will receive:
- Listings on and Art Sales Gallery
- Participation in the Zoom event
All accepted artists who submit more than 4 images will receive:
- Listings on and Art Sales Gallery
- Participation in the Zoom event
- The publication of an exclusive interview on the LarkGallery Blog
All accepted artists who submit more than 9 images will receive:
- Listings on and Art Sales Gallery
- Participation in the Zoom event
- The publication of an exclusive interview on the LarkGallery Blog
- One full page in a limited edition issue of Art & Beyond Magazine
- Automatic entry in the issue’s cover competition with an award equal $350.00, for first four winners.
Submissions Deadline: January 25, 2021
Looking forward to your submissions. If you have any questions please email us at or call us at (323) 791-6757.
IMAGE: The Lake by Roya Adjory (multimedia, 2011, 6″x8″ without frame)