Home » Events » Intro to Audio Production with Jef Stott (Online) – Production Series – SFJAZZ

SFJAZZ (Fair Use)
MUSIC: No experience required. Open to all levels. Apps used: Garage Band, Logic, Ableton LiveSoftware not required to attend.

Intro to Audio Production with Jef Stott (Online) – Production Series – SFJAZZ

Date(s) - 10/03/2023
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

BUY TICKETS (Student/Artist/Educator $25, SFJAZZ Members $40, Public $50)

In this introductory online course, students will get an overview into the latest in recording equipment, microphones and home studio setups, as well as an introduction to audio and MIDI editing and the basics of mixing and working with audio effects. Jef will also give an in-depth comparison of the most popular music production software packages including Garage Band, Apple Logic, and Ableton Live.

This is an excellent introduction to digital music production with acclaimed musician, producer, and DJ Jef Stott.

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