Home » Events » Anhvu Buchanan’s The Peeling of a Name – Book Launch and Readings

San Francisco Public Library (Fair Use)
LITERATURE: We partner with the Diasporic Vietnamese Artists Network for an extraordinary evening of literary talent as we celebrate the book launch of Anhvu Buchanan's new book The Peeling of a Name, featuring readers Anhvu Buchanan, Truong Tran, Carolyn Ho, and Irman Arcibal.

Anhvu Buchanan’s The Peeling of a Name – Book Launch and Readings

Date(s) - 07/08/2023
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


We partner with the Diasporic Vietnamese Artists Network for an extraordinary evening of literary talent as we celebrate the book launch of Anhvu Buchanan’s new book The Peeling of a Name, featuring readers Anhvu Buchanan, Truong Tran, Carolyn Ho, and Irman Arcibal.

The Peeling of a Name is an exploration of the idea and the power of names, what it means to grow up Asian American, what it means to be Asian American during a time in our country with so much violence and hate towards Asians and Asian Americans. The Peeling of a Name is a love poem, an apology, and an explanation, hoping you gain a better understanding of what it means to be an Asian American in the past, present and future.

Presented by San Francisco Public Library

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