Home » Events » Alexander String Quartet and Bob Greenberg: Czechoslovakia – SF Performances Presents

San Francisco Performances (Fair Use)
MUSIC: The esteemed and popular Alexander String Quartet has enlivened SF Performances seasons for more than three decades, joined by Music Historian-in-Residence Robert Greenberg.

Alexander String Quartet and Bob Greenberg: Czechoslovakia – SF Performances Presents

Date(s) - 01/27/2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

BUY TICKETS $75/$65/$55.

The esteemed and popular Alexander String Quartet has enlivened SF Performances seasons for more than three decades, joined by Music Historian-in-Residence Robert Greenberg. Together they explore some of chamber music’s most intriguing and important composers, their works, lives, and times. Looking back to the early years of the last century, the Quartet and Greenberg will explore the rich history of bright innovation and creation during often dark times.

Presented by San Francisco Performances

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