Home » Events » A Holiday Choral Sing-Along Family Sing with Valérie Sainte-Agathe and the SF Girls Chorus

Amateur Music Network (Fair Use)
MUSIC: A holiday sing-along for the whole family with Valérie Sainte-Agathe and the SF Girls Chorus. Join IN PERSON or ONLINE!

A Holiday Choral Sing-Along Family Sing with Valérie Sainte-Agathe and the SF Girls Chorus

Date(s) - 12/01/2023
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

BUY TICKETS (IN-PERSON: $25 Adults $12.50 Ages 10-18; $50 FAMILY PACKAGE; $15 ONLINE.)

What could be better than singing holiday carols with your family and friends?

Join Amateur Music Network (AMN) and the Grammy award-winning San Francisco Girls Chorus (SFGC) and artistic director Valerie Sainte-Agathe for a festive holiday music choral workshop.

Attend in person or join online via Zoom. Come alone or bring your family and friends and learn how to sing and harmonize your favorite songs including the enchanting Ukrainian “Carol of the Bells.”

No prior experience is needed. No preparation is needed. All voices (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass) are welcome!

Presented by Amateur Music Network

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Kanbar Performing Arts Center


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