Date(s) - 07/22/2016
7:00 PM - 10:30 PM
Stable Gate Farm & Lodge
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Fundraiser for SleepWalks: The Body of Dreams with performances by Andrea Williams and Lavender Suarez
Flow of Evening
- 7:00-8:30PM: Set up bedding. Free mugwort tea; Available for purchase: lentil meatballs in collard greens with toppings (vegetables by Capital Roots); RSVP your spot on-site for a massage with Rita May, a free guided essential oil experience with Kaitlin Moen, or relax for a nap.
- 8:30-9:15PM: Andrea Williams performs SleepWalks: A Catnap, a live soundscape for lucid dreaming.
- 9:15-9:45PM: Guests write down their experiences and lucid dreams to share in groups.
- 9:45-10:30PM: Lavender Suarez gong bath performance.
- 10:30PM: Fundraising from the evening for our Kickstarter goal is announced! (Kickstarter to launch soon!) Guests can leave a post it note of one or two words summarizing their experience of the evening on a board. Guests can also RSVP at this time for a limited spot for a free SleepWalks overnight performance for September 2nd or 9th (see below).
Camping overnight is for guests who pay for a $35 ticket. Free bagels and cream cheese for breakfast provided by Psychedelicatessen!
You are invited to Stable Gate Farm to a night of lucid dreaming and sound therapy that aim to awaken your creativity and your dreams. SleepWalks: A Catnap examines our subconscious and altered states of realities. Sound artist Andrea Williams takes the audience through a multi-sonic performance emphasizing the process of dreams and collective dreaming. The audience is encouraged to lucid dream or sleep and then journal about their experience to record their impressions of their own subconscious world. Sound and energy healer, Lavender Suarez, then performs a therapeutic gong bath.
Preceding the performances there will be free mugwort tea and food available for purchase, and professional massages and other relaxation offerings will be provided for discounted fees. (please see the Discussion area of this Facebook page for details.)
Please bring your own bedding or comfortable things for catnapping or sleeping.
This event is a fundraiser for SleepWalks: The Body of Dreams, a series of events on the effects of sound on dreams, taking place Fall 2016 by artists Andrea Williams and Lee Pembleton, scientist, Todd Anderson, and the Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company. SleepWalks has been taking place since 2009 in art galleries and festivals as an overnight electronic music performance, a soundwalk for sleeping dreamers, and the participants often have collaborative dreams together. For SleepWalks: The Body of Dreams there will be two SleepWalks overnight performances based on the theme of “water” on September 2nd and September 9th, 2016. Participants can volunteer to wear wireless EEG readers that show if they are in R.E.M., when dreaming most likely takes place. The collaborative dreams that take place between participants will become the co-choreographers and directors of the multi-media dance performance with Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company on October 21st and 22nd, 2016 at the Chapel + Cultural Center in Troy, NY. Also, from September 16th to October 28th, 2016 there will be a public art exhibit at the Chapel + Cultural Center after the two SleepWalks overnights that includes the drawings and dream journal entries made by participants. SleepWalks: The Body of Dreams has received a NYSCA Community Arts grant through The Arts Center of the Capital Region to cover some of their expenses, but they still need more funding to pay their collaborators and for food for the art openings and closings. Please help out by attending this deeply immersive and dreamy event at Stable Gate Farm! You may RVSP your free spot for a September 2nd or 9th SleepWalks overnight performance at this fundraiser. Spots are very limited!
Performers Biographies
New York sound artist and composer, Andrea Williams, utilizes site-specific elements and perceptual cues to reveal the unseen connections between people and their environment. Her compositions make use of field recordings, instruments, computer technologies and the sound of the performance space itself. She has led soundwalks in New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area, and has shown and performed both solo and with various musicians and artists at galleries and alternative spaces internationally, such as the Whitney Museum, The Kitchen, Eyebeam Art+Technology Center, Observatori Festival, Children’s Creativity Museum, NPR, Miami Art Fair, and the Mamori sound artist residency in the Amazon rainforest. She is a board member of the American Society for Acoustic Ecology, and she is currently mostly buried in her studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in NY for her Ph.D. in Electronic Arts and how we connect (or disconnect) with water.
Lavender Suarez is a Hudson Valley, NY based sound & energy healer. Through performing, exploring and researching music she began to deeply experience the healing properties inherent in sound and vibrations which she now wishes to share with others through combining classic and emerging sound healing techniques. Lavender further went on to explore energy healing including Reiki which shares many similarities with how sound affects our bodies and mind. She has led meditation workshops centered around sound and spoken out about sound healing in music, education and sound art contexts. Her main objective is to bring sound & energy healing in to modern times by utilizing the latest tools and technology available as well as always having open and honest communication with everyone who walks through her doors so that they can attain the highest level of relaxation and harmony.