Date(s) - 05/24/2014
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Program to be announced. Ticket required for free Stanford student admission; free tickets can be picked up at Bing beginning one hour prior to curtain. Any remaining tickets not picked up by 15 minutes before show time may be reallocated.
About the University Singers
A select concert choir of approximately 50 members, the Stanford University Singers perform a broad range of Western classical music, both a cappella and accompanied. Highlights for the 2008-2009 season include Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols, a concert of romantic a cappella part song, and Haydn’s Schöpfungsmesse (Creation Mass). Participation is open by audition to Stanford students and community members, with students given preference.
About the Memorial Church Choir
The Memorial Church Choir provides choral music for Sunday morning University Public Worship at Stanford Memorial Church. This weekly service provides the opportunity to explore and perform a wide range of sacred choral music. Special events will include participation in the Stanford Invitational Choral Festival and the annual Christmas Service of Lessons & Carols.
Co-sponsored by the Department of Music and ASSU.
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Bing Concert Hall
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