Date(s) - 03/15/2014
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
“My kids love music and came away happy and inspired.” — Mark Sackett
All aboard Clairdee’s Jazz Express! This engaging family-friendly concert puts an emphasis on the art of storytelling with a jazz twist. Clairdee’s Jazz Express engages children’s imaginations as they learn new ways to experience familiar songs while being introduced to jazz music. Clairdee’s lustrous voice and charisma can captivate any audience, leaving you feeling her every emotion. She is joined by a stellar trio featuring Ken French (keyboards and piano), Ron Belcher (bass) and Jim Zimmerman (drums).
Both fun and educational, our Family Matinees provide a window into the exciting world of live jazz. These affordably priced family-friendly concerts are a great way for you to pass your love of jazz onto the next generation. Bring the kids, the grandkids, and the neighbor’s kids to the gorgeous new SFJAZZ center for an engaging, entertaining and interactive musical experience.
Family Workshop: Jazz on Orff with Doug Goodkin & Friends
12:15pm • Joe Henderson Lab
Families will enjoy this interactive experience with renowned Orff music expert and educator Doug Goodkin along with Sam Heminger, Joshi Marshall and Micah McClean. Appropriate for all ages! Capacity is limited; reservations the morning of the Family Matinee are on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign-ups take place at the SFJAZZ Education table in the lobby beginning at 10am.
A limited number of free tickets are available to Bay Area school or community groups. If you are interested in bringing your school or community group to a Family Matinee, please fill out our ticket request form.
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Miner Auditorium, SFJAZZ Center
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