Date(s) - 06/08/2013
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- Family Matinee 5: The Next Generation with Marcus Shelby and the High School All-Stars Combo | 11am to 12pm
- Family Workshop 5: Kool Kids Jam with Marcus Shelby and the High School All-Stars Combo | 12pm to 1pm
Family Matinees
Both fun and educational, our Family Matinees provide a window into the exciting world of live jazz. Each one-hour matinee features live performance, audience participation, Q&A and amazing music led by some of the most creative artists and educators around. Open to music fans of all ages, these performances are ideal for elementary and middle school musicians.
Family Workshops
Each Family Matinee is followed by an interactive workshop in the Joe Henderson Lab. Capacity is limited to 65 participants and reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign ups take place at a table in the lobby on the day of the concert.
A limited number of free tickets are available to San Francisco Bay Area school groups. Please email for more information.
– Buy Online –
$5.00 Children and Seniors
$10.00 Adults with Children
$15.00 Adults General Admission
Miner Auditorium, SFJAZZ Center
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