Date(s) - 06/24/2016
8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Royce Gallery
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Q: Why is a viola better than a violin?
A: Violist Charlton Lee (of Del Sol Quartet), Classical Revolution violist Charith Premawardhana, violist/composer Nils Bultman, and (a virtual appearance by) musician and technologist JHNO (John Eichenseer)
On the 2011 postcard for “ROOM: Longer Burning”, I promised that “No violas will be harmed in the making of this concert”. Ironically, this turned out not to be true. A viola was indeed injured but, in my defence, no fire was involved.
Tonight, we bravely present another viola-centric evening. These distinguished violists will perform solo and ensemble works for viola and viola & electronics. (JHNO will make a virtual appearance.) In the tradition of Room Series events, the violists will each perform solo (and in various ensembles), and then they will be joined by composer/performer and series host Pamela Z (voice & electornics) in an ensemble finale.